ICMR Declares Sugarcane Juice Unhealthy for Summer: Know the Risks and Alternatives

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) warns against consuming sugarcane juice in summer due to high sugar content. Learn why it's harmful and discover healthier alternatives to stay hydrated.

Jun 5, 2024 - 13:33
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ICMR Declares Sugarcane Juice Unhealthy for Summer: Know the Risks and Alternatives

ICMR Declares Sugarcane Juice Unhealthy for Summer: Know the Risks and Alternatives

Published on: June 5, 2024

Many people turn to sugarcane juice, fruit juice, and cold drinks to stay hydrated during the scorching summer months. While these beverages may offer temporary relief from the heat, they could be causing significant harm to your health without you even realizing it. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has recently issued a warning about the consumption of sugarcane juice in summer, highlighting its potential health risks.

Why Is Sugarcane Juice Unhealthy?

Sugarcane juice is commonly consumed in large quantities during summer due to its refreshing nature. However, according to the ICMR, this popular beverage contains a high amount of sugar or glucose. Research indicates that 100 ml of sugarcane juice can contain between 13-15 grams of sugar. Given that the recommended daily sugar intake is 30 grams for adults and 24 grams for adolescents aged 7 to 10 years, consuming sugarcane juice can quickly lead to excessive sugar intake.

Excessive sugar consumption is linked to various health issues, including weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. The ICMR advises against the consumption of large amounts of sugarcane juice, fruit juice, cold drinks, tea, and coffee during summer. Instead, it is recommended to eat whole fruits, which provide essential nutrients and fiber beneficial for the body.

Health Risks of Sugarcane Juice

1. High Sugar Content: As mentioned, sugarcane juice contains a significant amount of sugar. Excessive sugar intake can lead to various health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

2. Risk for Diabetics: Drinking sugarcane juice can be particularly dangerous for individuals with diabetes due to its high glucose content. It can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which can be harmful.

3. Weight Gain: Sugary drinks like sugarcane juice add extra calories to the diet, contributing to weight gain and making it difficult to control body weight.

4. Dehydration: The body requires more water to metabolize sugar. Consuming high-sugar beverages can lead to dehydration, which is counterproductive during hot summer months.

ICMR Recommendations

To stay hydrated and healthy during summer, the ICMR suggests the following:

1. Eat Whole Fruits: Instead of drinking fruit juices, consume whole fruits. They provide fiber and essential nutrients without the excessive sugar content found in juices.

2. Limit Sugary Beverages: Reduce the intake of sugarcane juice, fruit juices, cold drinks, tea, and coffee. These beverages can contribute to high sugar intake and related health issues.

3. Drink Water: The best way to stay hydrated is by drinking plenty of water. It keeps the body cool and hydrated without adding extra calories or sugar.

4. Herbal Teas and Infused Water: Consider drinking herbal teas or water infused with fruits and herbs as a refreshing and healthy alternative to sugary drinks.


While sugarcane juice may seem like a refreshing choice during summer, its high sugar content makes it an unhealthy option for regular consumption. The ICMR's warning highlights the importance of being mindful of our beverage choices, especially in hot weather. To stay hydrated and healthy, prioritize drinking water and eating whole fruits over sugary drinks. These small changes can make a significant difference in maintaining your overall health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is sugarcane juice considered unhealthy by the ICMR?

The ICMR considers sugarcane juice unhealthy due to its high sugar content, which can contribute to health issues like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

2. What are the recommended alternatives to sugarcane juice for staying hydrated?

The ICMR recommends drinking water, herbal teas, and water infused with fruits and herbs. Eating whole fruits is also a healthier alternative to consuming fruit juices and sugary drinks.

3. How does high sugar intake affect the body?

High sugar intake can lead to weight gain, increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and can cause dehydration as the body needs more water to metabolize sugar.

4. Can diabetics drink sugarcane juice?

No, diabetics should avoid sugarcane juice due to its high glucose content, which can cause dangerous spikes in blood sugar levels.

5. What is the best way to stay hydrated in summer?

The best way to stay hydrated in summer is to drink plenty of water and consume whole fruits. These options provide hydration and essential nutrients without the added sugars found in many beverages.

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