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Rukmini Maitra's Heartfelt Tribute to Rachna Banerjee’s Victory in Lok Sabha Elections

Published on: June 5, 2024

The Lok Sabha elections of 2024 have brought about many memorable moments, one of which is the heartwarming celebration shared between actresses Rukmini Maitra and Rachna Banerjee. Rachna Banerjee, the Trinamool Congress candidate, emerged victorious from the Hooghly constituency, defeating BJP candidate Locket Chatterjee. This victory is not just a political milestone but also a personal triumph for Rachna, who has received widespread support from her colleagues and fans.

Rachna Banerjee, known for her versatile acting and charismatic presence, has yet to post any comments following her win. However, her friend and fellow actress, Rukmini Maitra, took to social media to express her joy and pride. Rukmini posted a video featuring herself and Rachna, both of whom were seen laughing heartily. The caption read, “Irresistible didi number one…” highlighting their close bond and mutual respect.

The video, posted on the day of Rachna's victory, quickly garnered attention and praise. The two actresses, known for their roles in Bengali cinema, shared a candid moment of joy and camaraderie, which resonated with their fans. Rukmini's post not only celebrated Rachna's victory but also symbolized the unity and strength of women in politics and entertainment.

Rukmini Maitra’s connection to the election results extends beyond her friendship with Rachna. Her boyfriend, actor Dev, also won from the Ghatal constituency, defeating BJP candidate Hiran Chatterjee. Rukmini celebrated Dev’s victory by posting a symbolic image on her Instagram story, depicting a tiger chasing a deer, which many interpreted as a representation of Dev’s triumph over his opponent.

Rachna Banerjee’s win is a significant achievement for the Trinamool Congress, reinforcing their strong presence in Bengal. The Hooghly constituency has always been a critical battleground, and Rachna’s victory is seen as a testament to her dedication and hard work during the campaign. Her success against a formidable opponent like Locket Chatterjee underscores her appeal and connection with the voters.

In the shared video, Rukmini and Rachna’s laughter and joy were palpable. Rukmini remarked, "Nobody laughs like that," capturing the genuine happiness of the moment. This display of solidarity and friendship amidst a politically charged atmosphere is a reminder of the personal relationships that often underpin public victories.

The celebration of Rachna's win has been widespread, with many fans and colleagues congratulating her on social media. The victory is not just a political milestone but also a reflection of her journey and growth as a public figure. Rachna’s role in the Lok Sabha will undoubtedly be watched closely, as she brings her unique perspective and dedication to her new responsibilities.

For Rukmini Maitra, the election results have been a source of double celebration. With both her boyfriend Dev and her friend Rachna winning their respective seats, Rukmini has been actively sharing her excitement and pride. Her posts have been filled with heartfelt messages and symbols of triumph, capturing the essence of this significant moment.

As Rachna Banerjee steps into her new role as a Member of Parliament, her victory is seen as an inspiration for many. Her journey from an accomplished actress to a successful politician is a testament to her versatility and determination. The support from her friends, family, and fans will undoubtedly bolster her as she takes on new challenges and responsibilities.

In conclusion, Rachna Banerjee's victory in the Lok Sabha elections is a moment of celebration for her, her supporters, and her friends. The heartfelt tribute from Rukmini Maitra, captured in a joyous video, highlights the personal connections that add depth to public achievements. As Rachna embarks on her political journey, her story will inspire many to pursue their passions and make a difference in their communities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who is Rachna Banerjee?

Rachna Banerjee is an accomplished actress and the Trinamool Congress candidate who won the Lok Sabha elections from the Hooghly constituency, defeating BJP's Locket Chatterjee.

2. What was Rukmini Maitra’s reaction to Rachna Banerjee's victory?

Rukmini Maitra celebrated Rachna Banerjee's victory by posting a joyous video on social media, where both actresses were seen laughing and expressing their happiness.

3. How did Rachna Banerjee’s win impact the political landscape?

Rachna Banerjee’s win reinforced the Trinamool Congress’s strong presence in Bengal and highlighted her appeal and connection with the voters in the Hooghly constituency.

4. What other victory did Rukmini Maitra celebrate?

Rukmini Maitra also celebrated the victory of her boyfriend, actor Dev, who won from the Ghatal constituency, defeating BJP candidate Hiran Chatterjee.

5. What does Rachna Banerjee’s journey signify?

Rachna Banerjee’s journey from an actress to a successful politician signifies her versatility, determination, and the support she has from her friends, family, and fans.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:25:24 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Kanchan Mullick Stands Tall as Kalyan Banerjee Wins Lok Sabha Election from Srirampur

Kanchan Mullick Stands Tall as Kalyan Banerjee Wins Lok Sabha Election from Srirampur

Published on: June 5, 2024

Kalyan Banerjee has emerged victorious in this year's Lok Sabha elections from the Srirampur constituency, a win celebrated by Kanchan Mullick, the MLA of Uttarpara Assembly Constituency. Despite previous conflicts during the election campaign, where Kanchan was asked to step out of the car by Kalyan, Kanchan stands firmly behind his party and its leadership.

Kalyan's win marks a significant achievement for the Trinamool Congress, reinforcing their strong presence in Bengal. Kanchan, who had faced a public slight during the campaign, expressed his unwavering support for the party and its leader, Mamata Banerjee. He emphasized that the party's victory and truth stand above all individual issues.

In an interview with TVNine Bangla, Kanchan stated, "Look, party truth is above all, no one is above it, Mamata Banerjee's truth is above all, no one is above her. The team won. Mamata Banerjee won. BJP could not do anything. A green storm has arisen in Bengal. This is our greatest achievement.”

When questioned about his past humiliation, Kanchan maintained a composed demeanor. He recounted the incident, saying, "I didn't understand, I went to campaign for the party and I went to campaign with Kalyanbabu before. Today he suddenly said, 'Don't go, the people of the village are reacting.' Sorry to him, I have to vote.' I'm gone too. I don't know why he didn't want to, maybe he has a different campaign strategy that's why he said that."

Despite the incident, Kanchan expressed no lingering resentment. Instead, he focused on the party's triumph and future goals. "The victory of the Trinamool Congress in Srirampur is a testament to our dedication and hard work. Kalyan Banerjee's win is a significant milestone, and I congratulate him wholeheartedly," Kanchan added.

Kanchan's stance highlights the importance of party unity and collective success over individual grievances. His ability to move past personal slights for the greater good of the party underscores his commitment to Trinamool Congress's mission and values.

The campaign trail had not been smooth for Kanchan, who often found himself at odds with certain strategies. However, his respect for the party's overarching goals and Mamata Banerjee's leadership remained steadfast. Kanchan's social media posts congratulating Kalyan Banerjee further exemplify his supportive stance.

In the broader context, the Trinamool Congress's success in the Lok Sabha elections is indicative of the party's stronghold in Bengal and its appeal to the electorate. The "green storm" mentioned by Kanchan refers to the wave of support that has buoyed the party to new heights, challenging the opposition's efforts.

As the dust settles on this electoral victory, Kanchan Mullick's story serves as a reminder of the complexities and personal dynamics in political campaigns. It also illustrates the resilience required to uphold party unity and focus on collective success amidst personal challenges.

Kalyan Banerjee's triumph is not just a win for him but a reaffirmation of the Trinamool Congress's vision and strategies. Kanchan's role, despite the hiccups, remains pivotal in this larger narrative of victory and progress.

In conclusion, Kanchan Mullick's journey through the Lok Sabha election campaign, marked by personal trials and a focus on party loyalty, reflects the essence of political dedication. His ability to prioritize the party's success over personal grievances and his steadfast support for Kalyan Banerjee's win is a testament to his commitment to the Trinamool Congress. This victory is a shared achievement, resonating with the values of teamwork, unity, and dedication that drive the party forward.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who is Kanchan Mullick?

Kanchan Mullick is the MLA of Uttarpara Assembly Constituency. He is a member of the Trinamool Congress and played a significant role in the recent Lok Sabha elections campaign for Kalyan Banerjee.

2. What happened between Kanchan Mullick and Kalyan Banerjee during the campaign?

During the campaign, Kalyan Banerjee asked Kanchan Mullick to step out of the car, citing that the village people were reacting negatively. Despite this incident, Kanchan continued to support the party and Kalyan Banerjee.

3. How did Kanchan Mullick react to Kalyan Banerjee's victory?

Kanchan Mullick expressed his happiness and support for Kalyan Banerjee's victory, emphasizing the importance of party unity and the leadership of Mamata Banerjee.

4. What does Kanchan Mullick's stance signify in the context of the election results?

Kanchan Mullick's stance signifies his commitment to the Trinamool Congress and his ability to prioritize party success over personal grievances, reflecting the importance of unity and collective achievement.

5. What is the significance of the "green storm" mentioned by Kanchan Mullick?

The "green storm" mentioned by Kanchan Mullick refers to the overwhelming support for the Trinamool Congress in Bengal, leading to their significant success in the Lok Sabha elections.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:19:23 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Sayani Ghosh Wins Lok Sabha Elections 2024, Remembers Late Mother and Grandfather in Heartfelt Tribute

Sayani Ghosh Wins Lok Sabha Elections 2024, Remembers Late Mother and Grandfather in Heartfelt Tribute

Published on: June 5, 2024

Sayani Ghosh, the 31-year-old dynamic politician from the Trinamool Congress, has emerged victorious in the Lok Sabha elections from the Jadavpur constituency. Known for her tenacity and relentless campaign, Ghosh defeated her opponents – CPIM's Srijan Ghosh and BJP's Anirban Gangopadhyay – by a significant margin. Her win marks a remarkable comeback after her defeat in the 2021 elections from Asansol, where she had contested but could not secure a win.

After receiving the news of her victory, Sayani's immediate reaction was a blend of joy and emotional reflection. She shared a heartfelt tribute to her late mother and grandfather, whom she dearly missed on this triumphant occasion. Holding a cherished photo of her mother and grandfather close to her chest, Sayani expressed her gratitude and longing for their presence.

In a touching moment captured in photographs, Sayani was seen with her father, housemaid, and two pets, embodying the essence of familial support and love. She conveyed her emotions through a social media post, writing, “For the love of mother, soil, people… I am indebted to the people of Jadavpur Lok Sabha constituency. I am grateful for the continuous support, love, and courage of All India Trinamool Congress, Mamata Banerjee, and Abhishek Banerjee. Jai Bangla!”

Sayani's journey to this significant political milestone has been one of dedication and hard work. Her residence, a three-storey house she shares with her family, has been the center of her life. It is here that she grew up with her parents and grandfather, forming the foundation of her personal and political values.

Reflecting on her late mother’s dream, Sayani mentioned, “My mother always wanted to see me succeed in life and reach new heights. Today, I feel her absence deeply, but I also feel her blessings and guidance with me. This victory is not just mine; it’s hers too.”

Sayani’s campaign for the Lok Sabha elections was vigorous and comprehensive. She engaged with the local communities, listened to their concerns, and promised development and better governance. Her approach resonated with the voters, leading to a landslide victory.

Her political career, though young, is marked by significant contributions and active participation in various social causes. As a prominent figure in the Trinamool Congress, Sayani has been involved in initiatives aimed at improving education, healthcare, and women’s empowerment.

Sayani’s triumph in Jadavpur is seen as a reflection of her dedication to public service and her ability to connect with the electorate on a personal level. Her emotional tribute to her late mother and grandfather has struck a chord with many, highlighting the human side of politics.

On the night of her victory, Sayani visited local temples to offer her prayers and seek blessings. Her first stop was the Kali temple, followed by the Shiva temple. This act of devotion signifies her deep-rooted belief in spiritual guidance and gratitude.

Back at her home, the celebration was a mix of joy and remembrance. Sayani shared the victory with her father, who has been a pillar of support throughout her journey. The presence of her pets and housemaid in the celebration photos showcased the close-knit family environment that has nurtured her aspirations.

As Sayani prepares to take on her new responsibilities as a Member of Parliament, she remains committed to her mission of serving the people and fulfilling the promises made during her campaign. Her victory speech was filled with optimism and a pledge to work tirelessly for the betterment of her constituency.

In conclusion, Sayani Ghosh's victory in the Lok Sabha elections is a testament to her resilience, hard work, and unwavering commitment to public service. Her heartfelt tribute to her late mother and grandfather adds a poignant touch to her achievement, reminding us of the personal sacrifices and emotional strength behind every successful journey. Sayani's story is an inspiration, reflecting the power of determination and the impact of familial love and support.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who is Sayani Ghosh?

Sayani Ghosh is a young politician from the Trinamool Congress who recently won the Lok Sabha elections from the Jadavpur constituency. She is known for her dedication to public service and active involvement in various social causes.

2. Which constituency did Sayani Ghosh win in the Lok Sabha elections?

Sayani Ghosh won the Lok Sabha elections from the Jadavpur constituency.

3. How did Sayani Ghosh express her victory?

Sayani Ghosh expressed her victory by sharing a heartfelt tribute to her late mother and grandfather, holding their photo close to her chest, and expressing her gratitude to the people of Jadavpur and the Trinamool Congress leadership.

4. What were the key factors behind Sayani Ghosh's victory?

The key factors behind Sayani Ghosh's victory include her dedicated campaign, connection with the local communities, and her commitment to addressing their concerns and promises of development and better governance.

5. What is Sayani Ghosh's background?

Sayani Ghosh grew up in a three-storey house with her parents and grandfather. She has been actively involved in social causes and is known for her contributions to education, healthcare, and women’s empowerment initiatives.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:16:43 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Raveena Tandon’s Unfortunate On&Screen Incident: "I Felt Sick" Raveena Tandon’s Unfortunate On-Screen Incident: "I Felt Sick"

Raveena Tandon, a celebrated actress from the 1990s, has once again captured the public's attention, not for a new film release or an award, but for a deeply personal and uncomfortable incident that she experienced during her career peak. Known for her stunning performances and timeless beauty, Raveena has been a household name, adored by fans for her roles in numerous blockbuster films.

The Incident

Raveena Tandon had a strict "no kissing policy" throughout her career, a boundary she maintained resolutely. However, during a fight scene with an unnamed actor, this policy was inadvertently breached, leaving her feeling violated and distressed. In a candid revelation, Raveena shared the incident that still haunts her:

"I still remember, I was shooting a fight scene with an actor. Suddenly, my lips touched his lips. It was an accident, but it was wrong. There was no need for this. I went to my room and felt sick. It was very uncomfortable. I couldn't stand it. I was just like, go brush, wash your face 100 times."

Emotional Aftermath

The unexpected kiss left Raveena deeply unsettled. Despite the actor’s immediate apology, the discomfort lingered. The incident was not just a minor on-set mishap for Raveena; it was a violation of her personal boundaries and professional ethics. This moment of unintentional intimacy was particularly distressing because it went against the principles she had set for herself in the industry.

Raveena's emotional reaction was intense. She felt the need to repeatedly cleanse herself, both physically and mentally, trying to rid herself of the unwanted experience. The incident highlights the often-overlooked struggles that actors face in maintaining their boundaries and comfort in a profession that frequently demands physical proximity.

Professional Impact

Despite this incident, Raveena continued to deliver outstanding performances and maintained her professionalism. However, the experience left a lasting impact on her, reinforcing her resolve to stick to her principles even more strictly. Raveena did not disclose the name of the actor involved, choosing to keep that detail private. This decision underscores her desire to move past the incident without dragging others into the spotlight.

Legacy and Reflection

Raveena Tandon remains an icon in the Bollywood industry. Her revelation about this incident is a stark reminder of the personal challenges that come with public careers. It also sheds light on the importance of respecting personal boundaries, even in the high-pressure environment of film sets.

Reflecting on her career, Raveena Tandon has expressed no regrets about her strict policies and principles. She believes that her decisions have helped her navigate the complex world of Bollywood with dignity and self-respect. This incident, though regrettable, stands as a testament to her resilience and commitment to her values.


Raveena Tandon's story is a poignant example of the unseen battles many actors face behind the glamorous facade of the film industry. Her experience serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of consent and the impact of respecting personal boundaries. As Raveena continues to be a beloved figure in Indian cinema, her courage in sharing this incident speaks volumes about her strength and integrity.


  1. What is Raveena Tandon's "no kissing policy"?

    • Raveena Tandon maintained a strict "no kissing policy" throughout her acting career, refusing to participate in on-screen kisses to maintain her personal boundaries and professional integrity.
  2. How did Raveena Tandon react to the accidental on-screen kiss?

    • Raveena Tandon felt deeply uncomfortable and sick after the accidental on-screen kiss. Despite the actor's apology, the incident left her feeling violated and led to significant emotional distress.
  3. Has Raveena Tandon revealed the identity of the actor involved in the incident?

    • No, Raveena Tandon has chosen not to disclose the name of the actor involved in the incident, keeping that detail private to avoid unnecessary controversy and focus on moving past the experience.
Thu, 23 May 2024 16:01:23 +0600 TodayTvSerial