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Switzerland Offers Financial Incentives for Families to Relocate and Raise Children

Published on June 15, 2024 by Global News Network


Switzerland, known for its picturesque landscapes, high quality of life, and robust economy, is now offering an additional incentive for families to consider relocating. The Swiss government has introduced a program that provides substantial financial support to families moving to the country to raise their children. This initiative aims to bolster population growth and support family life in Switzerland.

Financial Incentives

The program offers a generous financial package to families with four members. Each adult in the family will receive £22,500, which is approximately 22 lakh rupees in Indian currency. This financial support is designed to ease the transition and help cover the initial costs of relocation, including housing, education, and other essential expenses.

Breakdown of Financial Support

  • Each adult receives £22,500 (22 lakh rupees).
  • Total support for a family of four: £45,000 (44 lakh rupees).

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for this program, families must meet certain eligibility requirements, including:

  • Both adults must be employed or have a job offer in Switzerland.
  • Children must be under the age of 18.
  • Families must commit to residing in Switzerland for a minimum of five years.
  • Applicants must pass a background check and health examination.

Benefits of Raising a Family in Switzerland

Switzerland offers numerous advantages for families, making it an attractive destination for those considering relocation:

High Quality of Life

Switzerland consistently ranks high in global quality of life indices. The country is known for its excellent healthcare system, low crime rates, and clean environment. Families can enjoy a safe and healthy lifestyle with access to top-notch medical facilities.

Educational Opportunities

Switzerland boasts a world-class education system, with both public and private schools offering high standards of education. Additionally, the country is home to several renowned universities and institutions of higher learning, providing children with excellent academic opportunities.

Natural Beauty and Outdoor Activities

With its stunning landscapes, including the Alps, lakes, and forests, Switzerland is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Families can enjoy a wide range of activities such as hiking, skiing, and cycling. The natural beauty of the country provides an ideal setting for a healthy and active lifestyle.

Cultural Diversity

Switzerland is a multicultural nation with four official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. This cultural diversity enriches the social fabric of the country and offers families a unique opportunity to experience different cultures and traditions.

How to Apply

Families interested in applying for this program can follow these steps:

  1. Research job opportunities in Switzerland and secure employment.
  2. Gather necessary documents, including passports, birth certificates, and proof of employment.
  3. Submit an application to the Swiss government through the official immigration website.
  4. Undergo a background check and health examination.
  5. Upon approval, make relocation arrangements and settle in Switzerland.

For more detailed information, applicants can visit the official Swiss immigration website or contact the Swiss embassy in their home country.


Switzerland's initiative to offer financial incentives to families for relocation and raising children is a remarkable opportunity for those seeking a high quality of life, excellent educational opportunities, and a safe environment for their family. With the substantial financial support provided, families can make a smooth transition and enjoy the numerous benefits that Switzerland has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How much financial support will a family of four receive?

A family of four will receive a total of £45,000, with each adult receiving £22,500.

2. What are the eligibility requirements for this program?

Eligibility requirements include employment for both adults, children under the age of 18, a commitment to reside in Switzerland for at least five years, and passing a background check and health examination.

3. What are the benefits of raising a family in Switzerland?

Benefits include a high quality of life, excellent education opportunities, beautiful natural landscapes, and cultural diversity.

4. How can families apply for this program?

Families can apply by securing employment in Switzerland, gathering necessary documents, submitting an application through the official immigration website, and undergoing required checks.

5. Where can I find more information about this program?

More information can be found on the official Swiss immigration website or by contacting the Swiss embassy in your home country.

Sat, 15 Jun 2024 14:58:59 +0600 TodayTvSerial
CID of West Bengal Police Arrests Another Suspect in Anwarul Azim Murder Case

CID of West Bengal Police Arrests Another Suspect in Anwarul Azim Murder Case

The CID of West Bengal Police has arrested another suspect in the murder of MP Anwarul Azim. DMP Commissioner Habibur Rahman confirmed the arrest while investigations continue both in Bangladesh and India.

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the West Bengal Police has made a significant breakthrough in the murder case of parliamentarian Anwarul Azim by arresting another accused. The Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner, Habibur Rahman, announced the arrest at a press conference held at the DMP media center in Dhaka.

Commissioner Rahman stated, “The Kolkata CID is investigating the murder case. They have two accused in their custody. They brought one from Nepal, while they arrested the other earlier.” The identity of the latest arrestee was not disclosed by the commissioner, but sources involved in the investigation identified him as Siyam.

When questioned about the location of the trial for Anwarul Azim's murder, Commissioner Rahman explained that typically, a crime is tried at the place of its occurrence. However, he added that Bangladeshi law permits the prosecution of overseas crimes within the country, suggesting that there could be a possibility of bringing the accused back to Bangladesh for trial.

“We are conducting an investigation, they also are doing so. At a certain stage, we would take a decision where the trial should take place,” Rahman added.

To date, a total of five individuals have been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of Jhenaidah-4 constituency MP, Anwarul Azim. Three of the suspects were apprehended in Bangladesh, while two were arrested in Kolkata and Nepal. The arrestees in Bangladesh are identified as Amanulla Sayeed alias Shimul Bhuiyan alias Shihab alias Fazal Muhammad Bhuiyan, Tanvir Bhuiyan, and Sheelasti Rahman. Those detained in Kolkata and Nepal are Jihad Hawladar and Siyam Hossain, respectively.

A police team from Dhaka traveled to Nepal on Saturday to facilitate Siyam’s return. Although the team returned to Bangladesh on Monday, they did not disclose any progress regarding Siyam's extradition process.

Anwarul Azim had traveled to Kolkata on May 12 and was murdered the following day in a flat at Sanjiva Gardens in New Town, Kolkata. The Kolkata police alerted their Bangladeshi counterparts after reviewing CCTV footage and other evidence from the crime scene. Subsequently, the DMP’s detective branch apprehended three suspects from Dhaka.

During the investigation, the police uncovered gruesome details about Anwarul Azim’s murder and the disposal of his body. Officials revealed that after the murder, Anwarul’s body was dismembered and disposed of in bags, with some parts being discarded in a canal in Kolkata.

The CID of West Bengal Police and the DMP are working closely to ensure that all involved in the heinous crime are brought to justice. The collaboration between the two forces highlights the importance of international cooperation in addressing cross-border criminal activities.

The brutal nature of the crime and the involvement of suspects across multiple countries have drawn significant media attention. The public and media are closely following the developments in the case, anticipating swift justice for the slain parliamentarian.

The DMP and CID are committed to conducting thorough investigations to build a strong case against the accused. The authorities have assured the public that no stone will be left unturned in their pursuit of justice for Anwarul Azim.

As the investigations continue, the DMP commissioner has urged the public to remain patient and allow the law enforcement agencies to complete their work. The commissioner emphasized that due process will be followed, and the guilty will be held accountable for their actions.

The murder of Anwarul Azim has sent shockwaves through both Bangladesh and India, highlighting the need for stringent measures to protect public figures and prevent such incidents in the future. The case serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by politicians and the importance of robust security measures.

The collaboration between the CID of West Bengal Police and the DMP exemplifies the effectiveness of cross-border law enforcement partnerships. The successful apprehension of suspects in multiple countries underscores the commitment of both forces to upholding justice and ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book.

The Anwarul Azim murder case continues to unfold, with new developments expected as the investigation progresses. Both the CID and the DMP are determined to see the case through to its conclusion, providing closure to An

Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:57:57 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Amidst Cyclone Warnings and Political Clashes, Nandigram Braces for Voting Day As the Lok Sabha elections draw near, the coastal regions of Haldia and Nandigram in West Bengal are caught in a whirlwind of political tension and natural calamities. With cyclone warnings issued by the Meteorological Department, residents find themselves grappling with the dual threat of electoral violence and impending natural disaster. This article delves into the challenges faced by the locals, their unwavering spirit, and the efforts of the administration to ensure a smooth voting process.

The Calm Before the Storm:

In Ashta Village, the sun is setting, casting a golden hue over the river, a serene prelude to the turbulent times ahead. In Nandigram, however, the calm is deceptive. A day prior, the village witnessed bloodshed due to political clashes, a grim reminder of the volatile nature of elections in the region. Homes were burnt, and the air is thick with anxiety. Adding to the woes, a cyclone warning looms large, threatening to wreak havoc on Sunday midnight.

Memories of Past Cyclones:

The residents of Haldia and the Nandakumar area have experienced the wrath of cyclones like Yas and Amphan. These memories resurface as the sky darkens with ominous clouds. From trawler drivers to traders, the conversations are filled with apprehensions of the past and fears of the future. Despite the active measures taken by the administration to mitigate damage, the worry persists. Meetings are being conducted to discuss disaster management during the elections, but the fear of inadequate rehabilitation remains.

The Determination to Vote:

Despite the daunting circumstances, the spirit of democracy prevails. The voting bell has rung in Kanthi and Tamluk, and people are returning home from various parts of the state to exercise their right to vote. This mass movement includes migrant workers and daily wage earners, all converging towards their hometowns, undeterred by the challenges ahead.

Nandigram: A Political Hotspot:

Nandigram has always been a hotbed of political activity. The village has witnessed numerous changes and political upheavals over the years. During every election, the region heats up with political clashes, and this year is no different. Residents from various villages are making their way to Nandigram to cast their votes, even as they discuss the potential cyclone. Rows of bikes line the roads, symbolizing the determination of the voters who are braving the threats to make their voices heard.

The Role of the Administration:

In the face of these adversities, the administration is on high alert. They are conducting meetings and taking active measures to prevent any disaster during the election period. From ensuring adequate supplies to setting up emergency shelters, the efforts are commendable. However, the real test lies in the implementation and effectiveness of these measures when the cyclone hits.

The Day of Voting:

As the day of voting arrives, the atmosphere is charged with a mix of anxiety and determination. The coastal city of Haldia, with its riverine beauty, stands resilient. The residents, aware of the challenges, are prepared to face them head-on. They are aware that their vote is not just a right but a powerful tool to shape their future.


The Lok Sabha elections in the coastal areas of West Bengal, particularly in Haldia and Nandigram, are a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. Despite the threats of political violence and natural disasters, the spirit of democracy shines through. The residents are returning home, not just to vote, but to affirm their belief in a better future. The administration's efforts to ensure safety and preparedness during these tumultuous times are crucial. As the votes are cast and counted, the hope is that peace and stability will prevail.


  1. What measures are being taken by the administration to ensure safety during the elections amidst cyclone warnings?

    • The administration is conducting meetings, setting up emergency shelters, ensuring adequate supplies, and taking active measures to mitigate the impact of the cyclone during the election period.
  2. How are the residents of Haldia and Nandigram reacting to the dual threat of political violence and a cyclone?

    • The residents are anxious but determined. They are returning home to cast their votes, showcasing resilience and a strong belief in the democratic process, despite the looming threats.
  3. What is the historical significance of Nandigram in the context of political activities?

    • Nandigram has been a hotspot for political activities and clashes over the years. It has witnessed significant political upheavals and changes, making it a crucial area during elections.

By showcasing the determination of the residents and the efforts of the administration, this article aims to highlight the resilience of the people of Haldia and Nandigram as they navigate through these challenging times to exercise their democratic rights.

Fri, 24 May 2024 23:53:43 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Israeli Military Withdraws from Jenin Refugee Camp Amid Outcry Over Civilian Casualties Israeli Military Withdraws from Jenin Refugee Camp Amid Outcry Over Civilian Casualties

The Israeli military has withdrawn from the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, following a controversial operation that resulted in the deaths of twelve Palestinians, including four children, a doctor, and a teacher. The siege, which began on Tuesday, has sparked widespread condemnation and raised serious questions about the conduct of Israeli forces.

The Siege and its Aftermath

The operation was initially described by Israeli officials as a "counterterrorism" measure aimed at neutralizing threats within the Jenin camp, a hotspot for resistance against Israeli occupation. However, on-the-ground reports and eyewitness accounts paint a different picture. Residents and journalists have reported scenes of chaos and indiscriminate violence, with Israeli soldiers firing on people in the streets and treating detainees harshly.

Video footage from the raid, which has been widely circulated on social media and news outlets, shows disturbing scenes of Israeli soldiers kicking Palestinian detainees who were forced to kneel on the road in their underwear. These images have fueled further anger and condemnation from international human rights organizations.

Civilian Casualties and Humanitarian Impact

Among the twelve Palestinians killed were four children, a doctor, and a teacher. Their deaths have been confirmed by local health officials and family members. The loss of these lives has had a profound impact on the Jenin community, with funerals and vigils highlighting the deep grief and anger felt by residents.

"The situation was chaotic. There was shooting everywhere. We couldn't even help the wounded because it was too dangerous to move," said a local resident who witnessed the siege. "The children were terrified. They didn't understand why this was happening."

Attacks on Media and Freedom of Press

The operation also saw an attack on press freedom. An Al Jazeera crew preparing to go live from Jenin came under fire from Israeli soldiers, resulting in a staff member at a nearby hotel being wounded. This incident has drawn sharp criticism from journalistic organizations and press freedom advocates, who view it as part of a broader pattern of targeting media personnel in conflict zones.

"Attacking journalists is unacceptable and a violation of international law. Journalists must be able to report on events without fear of violence," said a spokesperson for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

International Reaction

The international community has responded with a mix of condemnation and calls for restraint. Human rights groups and several foreign governments have demanded a thorough investigation into the conduct of Israeli forces during the siege.

"These reports are deeply concerning. We urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint and to ensure the protection of civilians," said a statement from the United Nations.

Amnesty International has called for accountability and transparency in addressing the actions of the Israeli military. "The use of excessive force and the targeting of civilians is a clear violation of international human rights laws. There must be a full and independent investigation into these events," the organization stated.

Historical Context and Broader Implications

The Jenin refugee camp has a long history of conflict and resistance, often finding itself at the center of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants. This latest operation is part of a broader pattern of military actions in the West Bank, which has seen increased violence and tension over recent years.

The broader implications of the siege are significant, affecting not only the immediate area but also the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The deaths of civilians, especially children and medical personnel, have intensified calls for international intervention and a renewed focus on peace negotiations.


The withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Jenin refugee camp marks the end of a deadly and controversial operation that has left a community in mourning and the world questioning the tactics used. The deaths of twelve Palestinians, including children and professionals, highlight the human cost of such military actions. As international bodies call for investigations and accountability, the need for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict becomes ever more urgent.


  1. What was the purpose of the Israeli military operation in Jenin?

    • The Israeli military claimed the operation was a "counterterrorism" effort aimed at neutralizing threats within the Jenin refugee camp.
  2. How many civilians were killed during the siege?

    • Twelve Palestinians were killed, including four children, a doctor, and a teacher.
  3. What has been the international response to the siege?

    • The international community, including human rights groups and foreign governments, has condemned the operation and called for thorough investigations into the conduct of Israeli forces.
Thu, 23 May 2024 15:31:59 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Thousands Mourn President Ebrahim Raisi in Iran Amid Final Funeral Rites In a show of national grief, thousands of Iranians gathered on Thursday to participate in the final day of funeral rites for President Ebrahim Raisi. The President, aged 63, tragically lost his life on Sunday in a helicopter crash that also claimed the lives of his foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and six other officials. The crash occurred in the mountainous northwest of the country as they were returning from the inauguration of a dam.

Nation in Mourning:

The eastern city of Birjand witnessed an overwhelming turnout early on Thursday morning as people took to the streets to bid farewell to Raisi. Participants held placards bearing his image and waved national flags, displaying a collective sentiment of sorrow and respect. Raisi's final resting place will be the holy shrine of Imam Reza, a key Shiite mausoleum located in Mashhad, his birthplace.

Preparations in Mashhad:

Preparations for the final rites were in full swing in Mashhad, as evidenced by images shared by Iranian media on Wednesday. Streets were adorned with large photographs of Raisi, black flags, and Shiite symbols, particularly around the Imam Reza shrine, signifying the profound loss felt by the community.

Tehran's Massive Funeral Procession:

A day before, Tehran saw massive crowds gathering for a funeral procession to pay their respects to Raisi. Officials and media labeled Raisi a "martyr," reflecting the high esteem in which he was held. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led the prayers, symbolizing the significance of Raisi's contributions to the nation and his anticipated role as Khamenei's successor.

Khamenei knelt before the coffins of Raisi and the other victims, underscoring the deep personal and national loss. Among those honored was Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who was scheduled to be buried on the same day at the shrine of Shah Abdol-Azim in Shahr-Rey, a town south of the capital.

Respects from Officials and Dignitaries:

In Tehran, a ceremony was held to honor the late top diplomat Amir-Abdollahian before his burial. Iranian officials and foreign dignitaries attended, marking the significant role he played in Iran's foreign policy and international relations.

A Nation United in Grief:

The outpouring of grief across Iran highlighted the profound impact of Raisi’s leadership and his unexpected demise. The black-clad mourners, the somber atmosphere, and the widespread display of Shiite symbols all pointed to a deep-seated respect for Raisi, who was seen as a staunch defender of Iran's values and principles.


President Ebrahim Raisi’s untimely death has left a void in Iran’s political landscape. His funeral rites have not only been a testament to his popularity but also a reflection of the collective sorrow of a nation. As the country mourns, the legacy of Raisi, marked by his ultra-conservative policies and close alignment with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, will continue to influence Iran's political discourse.


1. Who will succeed President Ebrahim Raisi? The succession of President Ebrahim Raisi remains uncertain at this time. While he was widely expected to succeed Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, his untimely death has left the political future open. The process of choosing a new president will involve multiple layers of political deliberation and selection within Iran's governance structure.

2. What caused the helicopter crash that killed President Raisi? The exact cause of the helicopter crash that resulted in the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and six others is still under investigation. Preliminary reports suggest adverse weather conditions and technical failures as potential factors, but a thorough investigation is underway to determine the definitive cause.

3. How has the international community reacted to Raisi's death? The international community has expressed condolences and sorrow over the death of President Ebrahim Raisi. Various world leaders and diplomats have extended their sympathies to the Iranian people and government, acknowledging Raisi's role in regional politics and his contributions to Iran's governance.

Thu, 23 May 2024 15:12:20 +0600 TodayTvSerial