TodayTVSerial.Com & : Politics TodayTVSerial.Com & : Politics en Copyright 2020&2024 TodayTvSerial.Com & All Rights Reserved. Shantanu Thakur's Victory: The Role of CAA and Matua Politics in Bengal Shantanu Thakur's Victory: The Role of CAA and Matua Politics in Bengal

Shantanu Thakur, a prominent figure in Bengal politics and the Union Minister of State, has once again clinched victory in Bangaon. Despite the Trinamool Congress's dominance across the state, Shantanu's win highlights the significant role of the Matua community and the impact of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) on his political success.

The Importance of the Matua Vote

In Bengal politics, the Matua community holds considerable sway. With Shantanu Thakur being a key representative of the Matuas, his influence cannot be understated. The Matua Mahasangh, under the leadership of Mamata Thakur, has also played a crucial role in shaping the community's political alignment. The 'controversy' surrounding Tagore's house further intensified the political climate, making Matua votes even more pivotal.

Shantanu Thakur's Electoral Success

Shantanu Thakur secured 7 lakh 19 thousand 505 votes, defeating his rival Trinamool candidate Biswajit Das by more than 73 thousand votes. Despite Biswajit Das putting up a strong fight in the initial rounds, he ultimately fell short. Shantanu's ability to maintain a lead throughout the election is indicative of his strong connection with the Matua community and his strategic use of the CAA.

Political Context and Strategy

The Matua vote is a critical factor in Bengali politics, and Shantanu Thakur has leveraged this effectively. The Trinamool's All India Matua Mahasangh, led by Mamata Thakur, has also been a significant force. The controversy over Tagore's house, which became a central issue in Matua politics during the election, showcased the intense rivalry between the parties. Shantanu's public display of breaking the lock of Barama's house during the Baruni Mela was a strategic move that resonated with the Matua community.

Impact of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)

The central government's implementation of the CAA played a crucial role in Shantanu Thakur's electoral strategy. The promise of citizenship under the CAA created a wave of excitement among the Matua community. Many Matuas received citizenship based on notifications and applications, which significantly boosted Shantanu's popularity. This strategic use of the CAA is considered a major factor in his victory.

Challenges for the Trinamool Congress

The Trinamool Congress faced several challenges in this election. Allegations of widespread rigging in the last panchayat and municipal polls, along with internal conflicts, weakened their position. Political analysts suggest that a section of the Left's votes shifted towards the BJP, contributing to the Trinamool's loss. These dynamics provided Shantanu Thakur with an additional advantage, securing his victory in Bangaon.


Shantanu Thakur's victory in Bangaon is a testament to his strong connection with the Matua community and his strategic use of the CAA. The Matua vote remains a significant factor in Bengal politics, and Shantanu's ability to navigate the complexities of this voter base has solidified his position. As Bengal's political landscape continues to evolve, the influence of the Matua community and the impact of policies like the CAA will remain crucial.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the significance of the Matua community in Bengal politics?

The Matua community holds substantial influence in Bengal politics due to its large voter base and strong community ties. Political parties actively seek their support during elections.

2. How did the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) impact Shantanu Thakur's victory?

The CAA played a significant role in Shantanu Thakur's victory by promising citizenship to many Matuas, thereby creating a wave of support for him among the community.

3. What was the controversy surrounding Tagore's house?

The controversy involved a dispute over the residence of Barama, a significant figure in Matua politics, which became a central issue during the election. Shantanu Thakur's actions in this matter resonated with the Matua community.

4. Why did the Trinamool Congress face challenges in this election?

The Trinamool Congress faced challenges due to allegations of rigging in previous polls, internal conflicts, and a perceived shift of Left votes towards the BJP, weakening their position.

5. What are the future implications of Shantanu Thakur's victory for Bengal politics?

Shantanu Thakur's victory underscores the importance of the Matua community and the impact of policies like the CAA. It indicates that these factors will continue to shape Bengal's political landscape in the future.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 20:21:21 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Adhir Chowdhury: Is He Leaving Politics After Election Defeat? Adhir Chowdhury: Is He Leaving Politics After Election Defeat?

Adhir Chowdhury has been a prominent figure in Indian politics for over two decades. Known for his fiery debates in Parliament and his close ties with the top leadership of the Congress party, Adhir has played a significant role in shaping Delhi politics. However, his recent defeat in the elections has left many wondering about his future in politics.

Election Results and Immediate Reactions

Adhir Chowdhury has been elected as an MP from Baharampur five times consecutively, marking 25 years of his political journey. However, the results of the recent elections have raised questions about his political career. Facing a tough competition from Trinamool candidate and former cricketer Yusuf Pathan, the results on Tuesday afternoon confirmed his defeat. Despite the loss, Adhir accepted the results gracefully, stating, "Losing means losing. I have no complaints."

Speculations About His Political Future

Before the elections, Adhir was asked in an interview what his plans would be if he lost. He candidly replied, "I will leave politics." This statement has now become a focal point of discussion among political analysts and his supporters. When asked again post-election if he would leave politics, Adhir's response was ambiguous: "I will tell you what I will do." This has left many speculating about his next steps.

Adhir's Contributions to Parliament and Congress

Adhir Chowdhury's contributions to Indian politics cannot be understated. Over the past 25 years, he has actively participated in numerous debates in Parliament, often taking a strong stand against Prime Minister Narendra Modi on various issues. His close relationship with the top brass of the Congress party and his significant influence in Delhi politics have made him a key player in the political landscape.

In addition to his parliamentary contributions, Adhir also serves as the president of the state Congress. His leadership in this role has been crucial, especially during challenging times for the party. The question now is whether he will continue to serve in this capacity or if the recent defeat will prompt a change in his political path.

Political Landscape After Adhir's Defeat

The election defeat not only marks a significant moment in Adhir's career but also has broader implications for the Congress party in the region. With Yusuf Pathan's victory, the Trinamool Congress has gained a stronger foothold, which could shift the political dynamics in Baharampur and beyond. How the Congress party adapts to this change and whether Adhir's role within the party will shift remains to be seen.

Looking Ahead: Will Adhir Leave Politics?

As the dust settles from the recent elections, the big question on everyone's mind is whether Adhir Chowdhury will indeed leave politics. His statement before the elections and his recent ambiguous responses have left his future open to speculation. Adhir's decision will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the Congress party and the political landscape in the region.


Adhir Chowdhury's political journey has been marked by significant contributions to Indian politics, both in Parliament and within the Congress party. His recent election defeat has prompted questions about his future, and his ambiguous responses have only fueled speculation. Whether he chooses to step away from politics or continue to serve in a different capacity, Adhir's next move will be closely watched by political analysts and his supporters alike.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who defeated Adhir Chowdhury in the recent elections?

Adhir Chowdhury was defeated by Trinamool candidate and former cricketer Yusuf Pathan in the recent elections.

2. What did Adhir Chowdhury say about leaving politics?

Before the elections, Adhir Chowdhury stated that he would leave politics if he lost. However, post-election, he has given ambiguous responses, saying, "I will tell you what I will do."

3. What has been Adhir Chowdhury's role in Indian politics?

Adhir Chowdhury has been an MP from Baharampur for 25 years, actively participating in parliamentary debates and serving as the state Congress president. He has played a significant role in Delhi politics and has a close relationship with the top leadership of the Congress party.

4. How has Adhir Chowdhury contributed to the Congress party?

Adhir Chowdhury has contributed to the Congress party through his leadership in the state Congress and his active participation in parliamentary debates. His influence in Delhi politics has also been significant.

5. What are the broader implications of Adhir's defeat for the Congress party?

Adhir's defeat could shift the political dynamics in Baharampur and the region, with the Trinamool Congress gaining a stronger foothold. It also raises questions about the future direction and strategy of the Congress party in the area.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:08:53 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Dilip Ghosh Reflects on BJP's Stagnation: "We Couldn't Move Forward in 3&4 Years"

Dilip Ghosh Reflects on BJP's Stagnation: "We Couldn't Move Forward in 3-4 Years"

Former BJP leader Dilip Ghosh recently shared his insights on the party's performance in Bengal, acknowledging a period of stagnation that has hindered their progress. During his tenure, Ghosh observed significant momentum, but he now calls for introspection and strategic reassessment to understand why the party hasn't advanced over the past few years.

Ghosh pointed out that the voting percentage remained unchanged, stating, "We left at 38 percent in 21, that's it. But we couldn't move forward in 3-4 years. It needs to be thought about. Why are we standing at the same place? The speed at which we were moving was a matter of discussion across the country."

The loss of Dilip Ghosh is undoubtedly a significant blow to the BJP. His role wasn't just as a candidate but also as a key organizer. The impact of his departure is felt deeply among the lower-level workers of the party. Under his leadership, BJP won 18 seats from Bengal. Now, with Sukant Majumdar and Shubendu Adhikari at the helm of the Bengal organization, the dynamics have shifted, but the challenges remain.

During a morning tour of Newtown on Wednesday, Ghosh remarked, "The party goes on. The fight continues. But the leader changes, the results also change. That's right we've moved on to 2021. Many workers were martyred at that time. Infected for partying. Still, we got 18 MPs, 77 MLAs. But for whatever reason, that's where our progress stalled."

Ghosh's reflections raise critical questions about the party's strategy and internal dynamics. "The voting percentage is the same this time too. I left at 38 percent in 21, that's it. But we could not progress in 3-4 years. It needs to be thought about. Why are we standing in the same place? The speed at which we were moving was a matter of discussion across the country. There was also enthusiasm among the workers. But somewhere there is a gap. The fight didn't happen that way. Not all workers came down. It needs to be thought about. The momentum should not be stopped," he emphasized.

Advising the party, Ghosh said, "Let the hard work of so many thousands of workers not be wasted because of misunderstandings, wrong policies of our personal rivalry." His words highlight the need for unity and clear strategic direction to regain momentum.

Despite the current challenges, Ghosh remains hopeful about the future. "The fight continues," he reiterated. "We need to address our shortcomings and move forward with renewed vigor. The BJP has the potential to overcome these hurdles, but it requires a concerted effort from all levels of the party."

Analyzing the political landscape, it's clear that the BJP's journey in Bengal is at a crossroads. The party's ability to introspect and adapt will determine its future trajectory. As Ghosh aptly put it, "The momentum should not be stopped."

The upcoming elections will be a critical test for the BJP. With new leadership and a reassessment of strategies, there is an opportunity for resurgence. However, the path to success is fraught with challenges that require careful navigation.

In conclusion, Dilip Ghosh's reflections serve as a wake-up call for the BJP. The need for introspection, unity, and strategic realignment is paramount. As the party navigates this critical phase, the lessons from Ghosh's tenure and observations will be invaluable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was Dilip Ghosh's main observation about BJP's performance?
Ghosh noted that the voting percentage remained stagnant at 38 percent, highlighting the need for introspection and strategic reassessment.
How many seats did BJP win under Dilip Ghosh's leadership?
Under Ghosh's leadership, BJP won 18 seats from Bengal.
What are the challenges faced by BJP in Bengal?
The main challenges include internal dynamics, strategic misalignment, and the need to regain momentum among party workers.
What advice did Dilip Ghosh give to the party?
Ghosh advised the party to avoid wasting the hard work of thousands of workers due to misunderstandings and wrong policies driven by personal rivalry.
What is the future outlook for BJP in Bengal?
While the future is challenging, there is potential for resurgence with new leadership and strategic reassessment.
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:02:56 +0600 TodayTvSerial
RSS Steps In to Support BJP Workers Amid Post&Poll Violence in Bengal

Following the BJP's poor performance in recent elections, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has stepped in to provide support to BJP workers facing post-poll violence in Bengal. This move comes amid reports of unrest from various regions such as Barasat, Newtown, and Canning.

Formation of State-Level Committee

The RSS has announced the formation of a state-level committee dedicated to assisting BJP workers who are in danger. This committee aims to provide free legal aid and support to all affected individuals. To streamline this process, a dedicated mail ID has been established ([email protected]) where workers can send information and videos related to incidents of violence.

Action Plan

The collected evidence will be compiled and submitted to the Calcutta High Court, along with the provision of free legal aid to ensure justice for the affected workers. This initiative reflects the RSS's commitment to safeguarding the interests and safety of BJP supporters during this turbulent period.

Statements from BJP Leaders

In addition to the RSS's efforts, BJP leader Dilip Ghosh has also addressed the situation. He acknowledged the negative impact of the election results and emphasized the need for the party to stand by its workers during this crisis. Ghosh highlighted the challenges faced by activists, including homelessness and fear stemming from past experiences of violence.

"Negative results make you sad. After the 2021 polls, many activists sat down. But thinking about the party, they came back before the election. Many of them are homeless since yesterday. Because they are afraid of previous experience. Many people came out to see me. If such a situation happens again, the party will go back another 5 years in the coming days. The party should think now. Workers who come out for the party may find the party on their side in their crisis. The team will also have to look at that," Ghosh stated.

Historical Context

This is not the first instance of violence reported during elections in Bengal. Similar allegations surfaced during the Panchayat polls and the 2021 assembly elections. The recurring nature of such incidents underscores the need for proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of political workers and supporters.


The RSS's intervention to support BJP workers amid post-poll violence in Bengal marks a significant step towards addressing the ongoing unrest. By providing legal aid and establishing a committee to collect and present evidence, the RSS aims to ensure that justice is served and that the affected individuals receive the support they need. As the situation continues to unfold, the actions taken by the RSS and BJP leadership will play a crucial role in shaping the political landscape in Bengal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What steps is the RSS taking to support BJP workers?

The RSS has formed a state-level committee to provide support and legal aid to BJP workers affected by post-poll violence. They have also established a dedicated mail ID to collect evidence related to incidents of violence.

2. How can BJP workers report incidents of violence?

BJP workers can report incidents of violence by sending information and videos to the dedicated mail ID ([email protected]) provided by the RSS.

3. What kind of support will be provided to the affected workers?

The affected workers will receive free legal aid, and the collected evidence will be filed in the Calcutta High Court to ensure justice is served.

4. What has BJP leader Dilip Ghosh said about the situation?

Dilip Ghosh has emphasized the need for the party to stand by its workers during this crisis and highlighted the challenges faced by activists, including homelessness and fear from past experiences of violence.

5. What is the historical context of election-related violence in Bengal?

Election-related violence is not new to Bengal, with similar incidents reported during the Panchayat polls and the 2021 assembly elections. The recurring nature of such violence underscores the need for proactive measures to protect political workers and supporters.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 12:58:12 +0600 TodayTvSerial
NDA&INDIA Alliance Meeting: Crucial Moves to Break Up Government Expected Today

NDA-INDIA Alliance Meeting: Crucial Moves to Break Up Government Expected Today

New Delhi: Today marks a high-stakes day in Indian politics as both the NDA and INDIA alliances convene critical meetings in Delhi. The results of the Lok Sabha elections were announced on Tuesday, and now, the focus shifts to the formation of the new government. With the BJP-led NDA crossing the majority mark, all eyes are on the strategic decisions that will be made in today's meetings.

Lok Sabha Election Results 2024: The Battle for Government Formation

The BJP-led NDA has successfully crossed the majority threshold needed to form the government. However, the INDIA alliance, with 234 seats, is not far behind. If they manage to secure the support of key leaders like Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu, they too could potentially form the government. As a result, today's meetings are crucial in determining the future political landscape of India.

The Importance of Today's Meetings

Today, the NDA is set to hold its fourth meeting in the afternoon. Sources indicate that alliance partners TDP and JDU have already expressed interest in key positions such as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. Additionally, there is keen interest in important ministries, including Home Affairs and Defence.

Key Leaders and Their Roles

Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu are expected to hand over letters of support to Narendra Modi during the NDA meeting. The opposition INDIA alliance, led by Congress, will be closely monitoring these developments to strategize their next moves. It is anticipated that the opposition's decisions will depend heavily on how the BJP handles the demands and interests of these key leaders.

Congress's Strategy and Communication

According to insiders, Congress has already initiated communication with Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu. The INDIA alliance's meeting will determine whether they will pursue government formation or take up opposition seats. Despite having a significant number of seats, Congress appears to be prioritizing coalition politics, emphasizing the importance of partners and allies.

Absence of Mamata Banerjee

In a surprising turn of events, Mamata Banerjee will not be attending the INDIA alliance meeting. Instead, Abhishek Banerjee, the second-in-command of her party, will represent her. Mamata's absence has raised questions, especially since she reportedly expressed dissatisfaction with Congress for not reaching out after their electoral victory.

Active Role of Sharad Pawar

Sharad Pawar, a senior and influential leader in the INDIA alliance, has been actively engaged in discussions. Following the election results, he has been in constant communication with leaders such as Mallikarjun Kharge, Akhilesh Yadav, Sitaram Yechury, and Stalin.

Future of Aam Aadmi Party's Alliance

After achieving significant victories in Delhi and Punjab, the Aam Aadmi Party's potential alliance with Congress is under scrutiny. Political analysts are keenly observing whether these two parties will form a coalition or remain independent entities.


Today's meetings in Delhi are pivotal for the future of Indian politics. The decisions made by the NDA and INDIA alliances will not only determine the immediate formation of the government but also set the stage for the country's political dynamics in the coming years. As the nation watches closely, the strategic maneuvers of key leaders like Nitish Kumar, Chandrababu Naidu, and the responses of their respective alliances will be critical in shaping the political landscape of India.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the significance of today's NDA and INDIA alliance meetings?

Today's meetings are crucial as they will determine the formation of the next government and the political strategies of both alliances. Key decisions made during these meetings will impact the future of Indian politics.

2. Who are the key leaders involved in today's meetings?

Key leaders include Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu, whose support could be pivotal for the formation of the government. Additionally, senior leaders like Sharad Pawar and representatives from various political parties will play significant roles.

3. What are the main issues to be discussed in the NDA meeting?

The NDA meeting will focus on finalizing the formation of the government, allocation of key positions such as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, and important ministries like Home Affairs and Defence.

4. How will Congress's strategy influence the INDIA alliance's decisions?

Congress's strategy, which includes communication with key leaders like Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu, will influence the INDIA alliance's approach to government formation and coalition politics.

5. Why is Mamata Banerjee not attending the INDIA alliance meeting?

Mamata Banerjee will not be attending the meeting due to dissatisfaction with Congress for not reaching out after their electoral victory. Her absence has led to her second-in-command, Abhishek Banerjee, representing her.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 12:35:15 +0600 TodayTvSerial
Trinamool vs BJP: A Two&Sided Battle in Bengal's 2024 Lok Sabha Polls

Trinamool vs BJP: A Two-Sided Battle in Bengal's 2024 Lok Sabha Polls

The 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Bengal were nothing short of a political spectacle, dominated by the fierce rivalry between Trinamool Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). While the political landscape of Bengal has historically been a multi-faceted contest, this election saw a clear two-sided fight, sidelining other significant players like Congress and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPIM).

Despite their best efforts, Congress and CPM struggled to make a substantial impact. In a noteworthy turn of events, Muhammad Salim of CPIM emerged as the 'second boy' in Murshidabad, securing 5 lakh 17 thousand votes out of the approximately 33 lakh votes that CPIM garnered statewide.

In Kolkata, the Congress and CPIM's inability to secure significant victories was starkly evident. Congress managed to retain the Malda South seat, thanks to Isha Khan Chowdhury, who upheld the legacy of his predecessor. However, this success was a rare bright spot in an otherwise bleak performance for the party.

Alimuddin Street, the headquarters of the CPIM, had placed their hopes on several young candidates this time around. Despite this fresh approach, candidates like Srijan Bhattacharya from Jadavpur and Dipsita Dhar from Srirampur fell short of making a mark. Similarly, Pratik-ur-Rahman from Diamond Harbour and Sefer Sardar from Basirhat could not sway the electorate in their favor.

Interestingly, the Indian Secular Front (ISF), which contested in alliance with the Left, managed to secure third place in several constituencies including Basirhat, Jayanagar, Mathurapur, and Barasat. However, their performance was not enough to significantly alter the political equations in these regions.

In a candid admission, Muhammad Salim acknowledged the challenges faced by his party, stating, “Maybe our shoulders are not that wide. Otherwise, people did not burden us as much as I thought they would. Or could not rely entirely on our shoulders. Many things can happen. Talk will come out through discussion. Let's work together in ten, lose, win, and not be ashamed."

The Left-Congress alliance, despite its best efforts, failed to create a significant dent in the Trinamool's dominance. In Raiganj, Trinamool's Krishna Kalyani lost by 67 thousand votes, while Congress's Ali Imran Ramj managed to secure 2 lakh 62 thousand votes. In Malda North, Trinamool's Prasoon Banerjee faced a setback, losing by 76 thousand votes, with Congress's Alam Mostak winning 3 lakh 82 thousand votes.

During the campaign, Mamata Banerjee, the leader of Trinamool, had vociferously criticized the Congress and CPM candidates, accusing them of indirectly aiding the BJP by splitting the vote. She stated, “The one standing here from Congress is the eye of BJP. And the eyes of the CPM. They stand at the polls, knowing they are not winning. However, BJP can be won by splitting the vote among Muslims.”

Post-election, Mamata continued her criticism, placing the blame on the Left, Congress, and ISF for what she perceived as their role in bolstering BJP's chances. She remarked, "Congress and CPM here support BJP. Another Muslim party was born. I will tell them not to break the next journey by cutting their noses. What is the benefit of increasing this seat of BJP in North Dinajpur? If BJP loses this seat, BJP would lose two votes.”


The 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Bengal highlighted a clear polarization between Trinamool and BJP, leaving little room for other parties to maneuver. Despite a spirited campaign, Congress and CPIM could not break through the stronghold of the two dominant parties. The results underscore the evolving political dynamics in Bengal and the challenges that smaller parties face in making a significant impact. As Bengal continues to be a critical battleground in Indian politics, the coming years will undoubtedly see more intense political maneuvering and realignments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What were the main takeaways from the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Bengal?

The elections underscored a two-sided contest between Trinamool Congress and BJP, with Congress and CPIM struggling to make a significant impact.

2. Who was the notable performer from CPIM in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections?

Muhammad Salim emerged as a notable performer, securing a significant number of votes in Murshidabad.

3. How did Congress fare in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Bengal?

Congress managed to retain the Malda South seat but overall struggled to make a significant impact, securing only a few notable wins.

4. What was Mamata Banerjee's stance during the election campaign?

Mamata Banerjee criticized Congress and CPIM, accusing them of indirectly aiding BJP by splitting the vote.

5. What are the implications of the 2024 Lok Sabha election results for Bengal's political landscape?

The results indicate a continuing dominance of Trinamool and BJP, with smaller parties like Congress and CPIM finding it challenging to break through.

Wed, 05 Jun 2024 12:30:57 +0600 TodayTvSerial