Zomato's Surprising Message: "Don't Order Unless Necessary" Causes Customer Backlash

Zomato's unexpected message advising customers to avoid unnecessary orders due to extreme heat has sparked controversy. The message aims to protect delivery personnel from harsh weather conditions.

Jun 5, 2024 - 20:50
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Zomato's Surprising Message: "Don't Order Unless Necessary" Causes Customer Backlash

Zomato's Surprising Message: "Don't Order Unless Necessary" Causes Customer Backlash

Online delivery giant Zomato has found itself at the center of controversy following a surprising message to its customers. The company advised people not to place food orders unless absolutely necessary, sparking a wave of reactions from users. The message, posted on the company's official Twitter handle, reads, "Do not order food unless absolutely necessary after noon."

Customer Reactions

The unexpected advisory left many customers puzzled and agitated. Responses to Zomato's tweet varied widely, with some customers expressing frustration and others suggesting the company should simply halt services during extreme conditions if they are concerned about their employees' welfare. One user commented, "You deliver food, and people order food when necessary." Another user went as far as suggesting, "Delete the app."

Reason Behind the Message

Zomato's advisory was prompted by the severe heat wave affecting many parts of India. With temperatures soaring above 40 degrees Celsius in several regions, including a scorching 50 degrees in Delhi, the company issued the message to safeguard its delivery personnel from the extreme weather. This proactive step was intended to minimize the risks associated with delivering in such harsh conditions.

Heat Wave Impact

The ongoing heat wave has raised significant health and safety concerns. The extreme temperatures pose serious risks not only to delivery personnel but also to the general public. Zomato's message aimed to reduce non-essential outdoor activities during the peak heat hours to ensure the safety of its employees.

Mixed Customer Feedback

Despite the good intentions behind Zomato's message, many customers were not pleased with the company's approach. Some argued that if the heat is a concern, Zomato should temporarily suspend services rather than asking customers to limit their orders. This perspective was echoed by users who felt that the company's responsibility is to manage its operations in a way that prioritizes employee safety without inconveniencing customers.

Zomato's Response

In response to the backlash, Zomato clarified that the message was a suggestion rather than a directive. The company emphasized its commitment to the well-being of its delivery partners and reiterated the importance of considering the extreme weather conditions before placing non-essential orders. Zomato also highlighted that it has measures in place to support its delivery personnel during such challenging times.


Zomato's message advising customers to refrain from unnecessary orders due to extreme heat has sparked a debate about the balance between customer service and employee safety. While the advisory was well-intentioned, aiming to protect delivery personnel from harsh weather, it has led to mixed reactions among customers. Moving forward, companies like Zomato may need to explore more effective ways to manage operations during extreme conditions to ensure both customer satisfaction and employee safety.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why did Zomato advise customers not to place unnecessary orders?

Zomato advised customers to avoid unnecessary orders to protect their delivery personnel from the extreme heat wave affecting many parts of India.

2. How did customers react to Zomato's message?

Customer reactions were mixed. Some appreciated the concern for delivery personnel, while others were frustrated and suggested that Zomato should suspend services during extreme conditions instead.

3. What temperatures are being experienced in the affected areas?

Several regions in India are experiencing temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius, with Delhi reaching as high as 50 degrees Celsius.

4. What measures is Zomato taking to support its delivery personnel?

Zomato has measures in place to support its delivery personnel, including advising customers to limit non-essential orders and ensuring safety protocols during extreme weather conditions.

5. Will Zomato suspend services during extreme weather conditions?

While Zomato has not announced a suspension of services, it has issued advisories to encourage customer consideration of extreme weather conditions before placing orders.

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